Sai Praneeth Karimireddy


sp dot lastname at berkeley dot edu

About me

I am an SNSF postdoc working with Mike I. Jordan at UC Berkeley, and obtained my PhD at EPFL advised by Martin Jaggi. I also co-lead the Federated Learning for Health working group at MONAI with Holger Roth, and closely work with Satyen Kale at Google Research New York.

My work has previously been deployed across industry at Meta, Google, Open AI, Owkin, and has been awarded with the Chorafas Foundation Prize for exceptional applied research, the Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize for the best computer science thesis, EPFL thesis distinction, an SNSF fellowship, and best paper awards at FL-ICML 2021 and FL-NeurIPS 2022. It aslo played a tiny part in making some memes.

Incredibly excited to be joining USC CS in Fall 24 as an Assistant Professor! I am actively looking for students and collaborators. Reach out! :)

My research

My research studies data challenges in machine learning. Data is the most important factor determining the quality of an ML system. However, we understand very little about what makes data good or bad. Further, the most valuable data (e.g. health records) are often inaccesible. I use theory from optimization, statistics, and economics to answer these issues and build data infrastructure. Topics I am currently thinking about:


- (Jun 24): I was appointed co-lead of the Federated Learning for Health working group at MONAI. Looking forward to push the boundaries of AI for healthcare!

- (Jun 24) I will be in Boston for the foundations of responsible computing conference (FORC 2024) Jun 12-14. Come say hi!

- (Dec 23): I’m co-organizing the workshop on Federated Learning in the Age of Foundation Models as part of NeurIPS 2023 on Dec 16, 2023.

- (Nov 23’) I’m organizing the 2023 MBZUAI Workshop on Collaborative Learning: towards Sustainable Futures exploring how collaborative ML can help reach sustainable development goals. Update: The workshop took place on Dec 9-11, 2023 and turned out to be an excllent cross-disciplinary event! Talks to come soon.


* indicates equal contribution.


  • Data Acquisition via Experimental Design for Decentralized Data Markets. Charles Lu, Baihe Huang, SPK, Michael I. Jordan.
    [ Arxiv 2024 ]

  • Evaluating and Incentivizing Diverse Data Contributions in Collaborative Learning.
    Baihe Huang, SPK, Michael I. Jordan.
    [ Arxiv 2023 ], [ Talk ], [ slides. ]

  • Online Learning in a Creator Economy.
    Banghua Zhu, SPK, Jiantao Jiao, Michael I. Jordan.
    [ Arxiv 2023 ]


  • Collaborative Heterogeneous Causal Inference Beyond Meta-analysis. Tianyu Guo, SPK, Michael I Jordan.
    [ ICML 2024 ]

  • Privacy Can Arise Endogenously in an Economic System with Learning Agents. Nivasini Ananthakrishnan, Tiffany Ding, Mariel Werner, SPK, Michael I Jordan.
    [ FORC 2024 ]

  • Optimization with Access to Auxiliary Information.
    El Mahdi Chayti, SPK.
    [ TMLR 2024 ]


  • Provably Personalized and Robust Federated Learning.
    Mariel Werner, Lie He, SPK, Michael I. Jordan, Martin Jaggi.
    [ TMLR 2023 ]

  • Federated Conformal Predictors for Distributed Uncertainty Quantification.
    Charles Lu*, Yaodong Yu*, SPK, Michael I. Jordan, Ramesh Raskar.
    [ ICML 2023 ], [ Code ]

  • Federated Learning Showdown: The Comparative Analysis of Federated Learning Frameworks.
    SPK, Narasimha Veeraragavan, Severin Elvatun, Jan Nygård.
    [ FMEC 2023 ]

  • Agree to Disagree: Diversity through Disagreement for Better Transferability. (Notable Top 5%)
    Matteo Pagliardini, Martin Jaggi, François Fleuret, SPK.
    [ ICLR 2023 ], [ Code ]


  • Mechanisms that Incentivize Data Sharing in Federated Learning. (Best paper)
    SPK*, Wenshuo Guo*, Michael I. Jordan.
    [ Arxiv 2022 ], [ FL NeurIPS workshop 2022 ]

  • Towards Provably Personalized Federated Learning via Threshold-Clustering of Similar Clients
    Mariel Werner, Lie He, SPK, Mike I Jordan, Martin Jaggi.
    [ FL NeurIPS workshop 2022 ]

  • Byzantine-Robust Decentralized Learning via Self-Centered Clipping.
    Lie He, SPK, Martin Jaggi.
    [ FL NeurIPS workshop 2022 ], [ Code ]

  • FLamby: Datasets and Benchmarks for Cross-Silo Federated Learning in Realistic Healthcare Settings.
    Jean du Terrail et al. (multi-institutional collaborative effort)
    [ NeurIPS 2022 ], [ Code ]

  • TCT: Convexifying Federated Learning using Bootstrapped Neural Tangent Kernels.
    Yaodong Yu, Alexander Wei, SPK, Yi Ma, Michael I. Jordan.
    [ NeurIPS 2022 ], [ Code ]

  • Towards Model Agnostic Federated Learning using Knowledge Distillation.
    Andrei Afonin, SPK.
    [ ICLR 2022 ], [ Slides ]

  • Byzantine-Robust Learning on Heterogeneous Datasets via Bucketing. (Spotlight)
    SPK*, Lie He*, Martin Jaggi.
    [ ICLR 2022 ], [ SPICY-FL NeurIPS workshop 2020 ], [ Slides ]


  • A Field Guide to Federated Optimization.
    Jianyu Wang, et al. (Collaborative survey by the FL community)
    [ Arxiv ]

  • Mime: Mimicking Centralized Stochastic Algorithms in Federated Learning.
    SPK, Martin Jaggi, Satyen Kale, Mehryar Mohri, Sashank Reddi, Sebastian U. Stich, Ananda Theertha Suresh.
    [ NeurIPS 2021 ], [ Short Talk ], [ Long Talk ], [ Slides ], [ Code ]

  • RelaySum for Decentralized Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data.
    Thijs Vogels*, Lie He*, Anastasia Koloskova, Tao Lin, SPK, Sebastian U. Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ NeurIPS 2021 ], [ Talk ], [ Slides ], [ Code ]

  • Optimal Model Averaging: Towards Personalized Collaborative Learning (Best paper)
    Felix Grimberg, Mary-Anne Hartley, SPK, Martin Jaggi.
    [ FL ICML workshop 2021 ], [ Talk ]

  • Learning from History for Byzantine Robust Optimization.
    SPK, Lie He, Martin Jaggi.
    [ ICML 2021 ], [ Short talk ], [ Poster ], [ Slides ], [ Code ]

  • Quasi-Global Momentum: Accelerating Decentralized Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data.
    Tao Lin, SPK, Sebastian Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ ICML 2021 ], [ Short talk ], [ Code ]


  • Why Adaptive methods beat SGD for Attention Models.
    Jingzhao Zhang, SPK, Andreas Veit, Seungyeon Kim, Sashank Reddi, Sanjiv Kumar.
    [ NeurIPS 2020 ], [ Short talk ]

  • PowerGossip: Practical Communication Compression in Decentralized Deep Learning.
    Thijs Vogels, SPK, Martin Jaggi.
    [ NeurIPS 2020 ], [ Short talk ], [ Code ]

  • Weight Erosion: An Update Aggregation Scheme for Personalized Collaborative Machine Learning.
    Felix Grimberg, Mary-Anne Hartley, Martin Jaggi, SPK.
    [ DART 2020 (pdf) ]

  • Secure Byzantine Machine Learning.
    Lie He, SPK, Martin Jaggi.
    [ SPICY-FL NeurIPS workshop 2020 ]

  • Accelerated Gradient Boosted Machines.
    Haihao Lu*, SPK*, Natalia Ponomareva, Vahab Mirrokni.
    [ AISTATS 2020 ]

  • The Error-Feedback Framework: Better Rates for SGD with Delayed Gradients and Compressed Communication.
    Sebastian Stich, SPK.
    [ JMLR 2020 ]

  • SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning.
    SPK, Satyen Kale, Mehryar Mohri, Sashank Reddi, Sebastian Stich, Ananda Theertha Suresh.
    [ ICML 2020 ], [ Short talk ], [ Long talk ], [ Slides ]


  • PowerSGD: Practical Low-rank Gradient Compression for Distributed Optimization.
    Thijs Vogels, SPK, Martin Jaggi.
    [ NeurIPS 2019 ], [ Short video ], [ Code ]

  • Global Convergence of Newton-type Methods without Strong-Convexity or Lipschitz Gradients.
    SPK, Sebastian Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ NeurIps OptML 2019 ]

  • Efficient greedy coordinate descent for composite problems.
    SPK*, Anastasia Koloskova*, Martin Jaggi.
    [ AISTATS 2019 ]

  • Error Feedback fixes SignSGD and other Gradient Compression Schemes. (Long talk)
    SPK, Quentin Rebjock, Sebastian Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ ICML 2019 ], [ Slides ], [ Code ]


  • On Matching Pursuit and Coordinate Descent.
    Francesco Locatello*, Anant Raj*, SPK, Sebastian Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ ICML 2018 ]

  • Adaptive Balancing of Gradient and Update Computation Times using Approximate Subproblem Solvers. (Oral)
    SPK, Sebastian Stich, Martin Jaggi.
    [ AISTATS 2018 ], [ Slides ]


  • Assignment Techniques for Crowdsourcing Sensitive Tasks.
    Elisa Celis*, SPK*, Ishaan Singh*, Shailesh Vaya*.
    [ CSCW 2016 ]

  • Multi-Broadcasting under SINR Model.
    Darek Kowalski*, SPK*, Shailesh Vaya*
    [ PODC 2016 ]

  • Some results on a class of van der Waerden Numbers.
    SPK*, Kaushik Maran*, Dravyansh Sharma*, Amitabha Tripati*.
    [ Rocky Journal of Mathematics Vol. 48 ]